How To Deal With Back Pain

If you’ve ever experienced pain in your back, you will know how debilitating it can be, and also how much it can affect your mental health. No matter whether you have psoriatic arthritis, or you’ve hurt your back in a serious accident, it’s important to take the necessary steps in relieving, if not eliminating your back pain. Take a look at these tried and tested tips on how to deal with back pain.

Hot and cold compress

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One of the first things that you should be doing as soon as you feel that first twang of pain, is to apply direct hot and cold compresses on your back. The heat will allow you to move around much easier and will help the pain subside, and the cold will reduce any swelling and help numb the area so that you can continue with your day. You can get heat packs for your back to wear out and about too, so try and continue with the hot and cold compressing as much as possible to get the best relief.

Rest, but not for too long

When your back hurts, it’s easy to think to yourself that rest is the best thing to do. While it’s important, being still for too long will also seize your back up and make it harder to move when it’s needed. You should also take a look at your mattress too, because it could be making your problem worse. Take a look at mattress reviews that are designed for people who deal with chronic back pain. Changing your mattress could make the world of difference!


To help eliminate pain further, you should consider taking NSAIDs. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are available over the counter, but if you’re in need of something a little stronger, head to your GP for a prescription and also a professional assessment on your back.

Look at what you’re eating

On the long term side of things, you should keep an eye on what you’re eating. If you’re not eating the right kinds of food, you could be inadvertently putting on weight gradually, which isn’t good for the strain you’re putting on your back. Eat healthier and maybe drop a few pounds to notice the world of difference in how your back feels!

Eliminate stress

Finally, many chronic back pain sufferers have reported that in particularly stressful times in their lives they have noticed that their back pain has gotten worse, or even flared up after a period of no pain. Eliminate stress as much as possible to avoid having to suffer from back pain any more than you have to.

Steps that will Help You To Feel More Confident

Are one of those people who struggle with their confidence? You know how hard it can be to get the little things in life done. You may be worried about asking for a promotion at work. Even if you do get the offer, you may feel as though you don’t deserve it. This vicious cycle can leave you feeling down and depressed, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Strive for Success

Confident people know that they can win, and they expect it. They might not always end up on top, but they don’t expect to be right at the bottom either. The first step to feeling more confident is believing that you are more than capable. You may be scared of seeing yourself as being successful. You may even find it hard to picture yourself getting out there and getting your dream job. Have no fear, this is normal. If you want to change things around, then you need to fake it until you make it. So, you also need to push yourself into doing things that you normally wouldn’t do. Why? Because you deserve it, and deep down, you know you can do it.

Follow Influencers

Another thing that you can do is try and follow influencers. They can show you how to get where you need to be. They can also go a long way when it comes to your own empowerment as well. So, by finding someone who you can follow and look up to, you can then help to see yourself with the same success that they have. This is a brilliant way for you to really stay on top of things.

Embrace What’s Right Around the Corner

When you are able to get way more comfortable with your success, the next thing is to go with the flow. Sure, things aren’t going to go your way all the time. Things may even get in your way. Those who are confident are ready for just about anything. Even if it’s something they were hoping not to happen. When you are able to deal with things head-on. It won’t be as much of a blow to your confidence as you’d normally think. So, it can really help you to keep your motivation high.

So, there are many things that you can do to both empower yourself and feel more confident. By following the above tips: you can get a great result out of your new personal adventure. You can also start to feel way better as a result as well. If you find it hard to get that initial boost of confidence tries to push yourself. Buy clothes you normally wouldn’t wear, or treat yourself to something that will make you feel good.

Health Advice For Tight Budgets

People seem to have all kinds of excuses for not staying healthy these days. New excuses seem to be thought up each day! Here are a few of them that you might recognize:

  • Healthy food is too expensive
  • I don’t have time
  • I don’t enjoy exercise
  • I can’t afford a gym membership

These excuses are just a few of many variations that you’ll hear thrown around all the time. The fact is, you need to recognize these excuses for exactly what they are: excuses. Being on a tight budget can be tough, but it’s still no excuse to let your health go down the toilet. You’ll only end up spending more on insurance and hospital bills later on. Read on for some health advice for tight budgets:

Make The Outdoors Your Gym

Health Advice For Tight Budgets

You don’t need a gym membership to stay healthy at all. You can make the outdoors your gym! There are plenty of parks that can make great gyms, but if that’s not your thing, for a run. If you’re not that fit yet, just walk more. Aim for 8,000 steps per day to start with, and work your way up to at least 10,000. This is one of the best ways to stay healthy, and you’ll reduce stress and have more time to think too. Take in the fresh air and enjoy the scenes! Knowing how to reduce your stress by using walking and other techniques will make a huge difference too.

Take Care Of Yourself Regularly

Make sure you prioritize self care regularly. If you have a family, how can you expect yourself to care for them if you’re all worn out? You need to set an example to them about self care, too. If you don’t do this, you could end up getting frazzled and into situations that cause even more issues for you, such as an injury. You can work with firms to make your life easier afterwards, but that’s besides the point; you need to take care of yourself and avoid getting to that stage.

Buy In Bulk

Buy healthy food in bulk and freeze it. Prepare lots of meals so you can cook them quickly when you need something to eat fast. You can even just chop up herbs and vegetables and freeze them, pulling them out when you need to. Buying in bulk may seem expensive at first, but you’ll save money in the long run. Whether you’re looking at cleaning products or food, you can save a substantial amount this way.

Plant Your Own Vegetables/Herbs

How about planting your own veggies and herbs? You’ll always have a fresh supply and won’t have to buy them anymore.

Choose Snacks Carefully

Some snacks, such as chocolate bars, will make you crave more, thus leading you to spend more money. Choose your snacks carefully. Go for voluminous, healthy foods so that you stay fuller for longer.

There are all kinds of resources out there you can use to educate yourself, so don’t wait any longer and get healthy on a budget!

What's Causing Your Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the biggest causes of disability in people under the age of forty-five. It’s one of the most debilitating things that you can deal with, and it’s actually one of the most common forms of chronic pain. There are a whole host different things that can cause back pain and each different cause can come with a different solution. Being able to identify what it is that’s causing your back pain is the first step to being able actually to do something about it. With that in mind, here are some of the most common causes of back pain that you might experience.

Your lifestyle

Probably the most common cause of back pain will probably come down to your lifestyle. Often the pain can be traced back to your posture. A lot of people spend the majority of their time sitting and working at a desk. That might seem like something that’s pretty low impact, but over time sitting at a desk can have a huge effect on your posture and put a great deal of strain on your spine as well. Not only can your posture cause issues, but there are plenty of other lifestyle causes. Heavy lifting and a lack of exercise can all cause strain or weakness that can lead to serious back pain. Fortunately, this is one of the easiest causes of back pain to deal with. By making some simple lifestyle changes, particularly in regards to your posture, can make a world of difference. You may also want to make an appointment with a company that deal in this. That way you can be sure that your recovery is in the hands of a professional.


Spinal injury can be one of the most damaging and debilitating forms of injury. It can prevent you from living your life happily and comfortably, sometimes for long periods. Some spinal injuries can even have permanent effects such as lifelong stiffness or paralysis. If you suffer from long-term pain as a result of injury, it can end up being pretty costly. If you find yourself struggling with the costs of living with a spinal injury, it’s a good idea to do some research and perhaps even consult a lawyer to see if you can get any kind of compensation for it.


While more commonly associated with other joints throughout your body, arthritis can cause back pain as well. This tends to affect older people, but it can also be a back pain symptom in younger people as well. One of the most obvious signs that it’s an arthritic form of pain is that it’s often accompanied by a significant amount of stiffness. This is because arthritis causes a swelling of the joints, which can restrict your movement as well as causing pain. If you are suffering from arthritic back pain, then you should consult your doctor. There are plenty of treatment options that you can discuss with them. Anti-inflammatories are a fantastic method of reducing the swelling in your joints as well as managing your pain levels.

Remember, whatever the cause might be, the best possible thing that you can do is to consult your doctor and make sure that you’re not trying any treatment options without talking to them first.

How To Stay Healthy During The Summer

Now that the summer is upon us, there are many naughty things that are so hard to refuse. What makes it hard is the time spent perfecting your summer body. Don’t go and ruin it now! That’s easier said than done. There is temptation everywhere, and sometimes it’s very hard to say no.

Staying healthy is something that we decide to do, and us humans are very intelligent. Take technology for example, it has become so advanced nowadays. The things that we can do in medicine is extraordinary. There is so much out there. So, there is no reason that you can’t do the basics of keeping yourself fit and healthy, right?

Here’s how.

Drink plenty of water.

You should know by now how important water is. Especially during summer when the sun is shining and baring all of its heat. You may love to bask in the warmth all day. It’s easy to get dehydrated and not realize until it’s too late. Then you are dealing with all the negative effects of sunstroke. So, always keep water with you, and carry a bottle around in your bag. Refill it when need be. Also, water is so good for your skin and complexion. Think of all the beauty benefits too. – It even slows down the aging process!

Embrace the barbecues.

Barbecues are as bad as you make them. They only consist of the bread and butter that you put around the meat. Barbecues are good for you and use a lot less fat than what you would use when cooking in a frying pan. Plus, they’re absolutely delicious. So you don’t need to feel guilty about them anymore, because they’re great. They also mix up the taste of eating your usual vegetables. It makes them more interesting to munch on. They’re chargrilled with a hint of steak juice – which you already know is to die for.

Early and late night walks.

When it’s really hot, the last thing that you want to do is start your exercise routine. The sun already exhausts you, and you don’t need that extra coat of sweat on top of your sweat. But this shouldn’t be an excuse not to stay active either. Luckily for you, there’s a solution. Get up early in the morning while the sun is still rising. Go for a walk to get in your dose of fitness. You can do the same in the evening too once the sun has gone down. This will make the air a lot more manageable now the sun is out of the picture.

Why You Really Need a Massage (Like Now)

You might think that massages are a great way to relax and unwind. They can be after a long week at work, but there is far much more to them than that. There can be many health benefits to having a massage. So, that means you need to treat yourself to one, like right now!

Relaxes Muscles and Joints

This is probably what most people associate with massages, the way they relax the whole body. This can be a huge benefit if you suffer from something such as sciatica. It’s very common and very painful as you will find out by reading What is Sciatica? or other pains in your back or joints, as relaxed muscles and joints will be a lot less painful. As long as the masseuse knows what they are doing and they go deep enough it should be an amazing relief.

Headache and Migraine Relief

Headaches and migraines are often caused by stress and regular massages can reduce the risk of them occurring. This is a much better way to stop these painful afflictions than keep taking painkillers or other tablets.

Anxiety Reduction

A relaxed body is a healthy body and it can help towards a relaxed mind. A massage can half the number of stress hormones. So, why not just relax while it is happening but will help reduce future anxiety.

Improves Repetitive Strain Injuries

Injuries of this nature are caused by repeating the same action again and again, as explained in this article. The muscles become taught and very painful and generally rest and painkillers are prescribed. However, massaging the injury can release most of the tension in the affected muscles. It can help a great deal with the recovery from the injury.

Massages can help in the same way. If you are suffering because your job means you are sitting down all day. Constant sitting is not good for your lower back. A massage can relieve the strain and reduce the pain associated with this sort of problem.

Promotes Sleep

There are so many ways our busy and stressful lives can affect us. One of them is having trouble sleeping. The relaxing effects of a massage can promote sleep. So, as well as feeling better for your therapy, you will benefit from a good nights rest.

Strengthens Your Immune System

Research has shown that a weekly massage can boost your immune system. This is great for the people that tend to suffer from minor colds and ailments every year. It was discovered that a 45-minute body massage can be very beneficial for staving off some of these minor ailments.

Help Reduce Sagging And Wrinkles

A simple face massage can help reduce sagging and wrinkles. It can make your face, scalp and hair healthier too. Again, it is the relaxing effects that help you face to ward off the effects of aging.

A Relaxed Body Works Better

When your body is relaxed you blood flows easier. This has many health benefits including better organ functionality and improved cell growth. Conditions such as high blood pressure will also improve if you have regular massages.

Visiting a professional massage therapist is usually the best way. but there are times when self-massage can help as well. Sore legs muscles after a long walk are just one of the way we self-massage without even realizing it. We usually rub them to get the blood flowing and ease the soreness and that amounts to massaging them.

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success

We all have dreams and goals in life, and so many of these revolve around accomplishments and success. When it comes to life goals, you need to focus on what you want. So, formulate a plan to go get it! Too many people these days are satisfied being stuck in the rat race. A lot are too scared to actually take the plunge and make any kind of life change.

This is where you need to give yourself an edge over your rivals. Get proactive and taking charge of your future. There are so many ways of doing this.but you also need to keep in mind the fact that you have goals and dreams. You want to improve your life and achieve a level of success, you need to make changes and move your life forward. So, here are some things to consider when helping you achieve this.

Most people who choose to make dramatic life changes. They will look at the problems in their lives and focus on one particular area. For a lot of us, this is likely to be our career path. Consider where your career fits in your life and just how fulfilling you actually find what you do. You might choose to shed the monotony of the daily office grind and choose to work at home instead. There is no rule that says your job has to be fulfilling but you may decide it’s time for a change. You may even think about becoming an entrepreneur and go into business for yourself. This could improve your happiness and enhance your life.

It’s also important to think about money and how you can earn more of it. Yes, this links to your career path, but there are other things to consider as well. When it comes to your financial security, this is something you need to think hard about. Providing for your family and having enough money for a secure future is vital. This is why so many people consider investing. There are plenty of options for investment these days, and real estate seems to be popular. If you are nervous about investing alone, you might consider a crowdfunding platform like Realty Mogul. To find out more about Realty Mogul returns and the process of investing, check out the link.

It is also really important to get out and see the world in all its glory. So many people don’t travel too far from their own homes, and they are missing out on important experiences. Make sure you travel the world, visit new places, and experience new things. This is an excellent way of changing your life and enriching your future. It will give you valuable experience and help you improve your life in the long run.

These are just a few of the things you need to remember when it comes to enhancing your life. Achieving success is so crucial in your life. You need to make sure you do as much as possible to work toward success and achieving your goals. Moving your life onward and upward is important for working toward your future goals and ambitions.

How Work Gets In The Way Of Your Fitness

Getting into a regular fitness routine is never easy. In fact, it’s a route pathed with excuses and reasons why not. You’d love to go out running tonight, but you have a lot of housework to do. You’re desperate to make use of your gym membership; only you don’t feel like you fit in. And, of course, you would love to finally get around to the home gym, only…you have to work?

That’s right. Home commitments and self-confidence aside, work is often in the way of fitness goals. Yet, few of us realize it. We may blame everything under the sun for our avoidance without realizing our careers are the real problem. As well as doing us a disservice, this leaves us unable to address the issue. And, thus, our get fit efforts are forever doomed.

But, how exactly does work get in the way of exercise? And, what can you do about it?

Work saps all your energy

Work saps all your energy

By the end of a long day, the last thing you want to do is get dressed and go running. With Netflix and comfy clothes calling, it’s near enough impossible to find workout motivation. After all, don’t you work hard enough during the day? If this sounds familiar, why not change the way you approach exercise? If work leaves you without energy, an obvious solution would be to work out before you head off every day. You could do this by either getting up early or asking your boss if you can arrive late and leave late. Then, you can never use lacking energy as an excuse again.

Work leaves you physically unable to work out

Builders and office workers alike complain of strain injuries, especially in the neck and back. And, for obvious reasons, this can cause issues with fitness routines. Try lifting a set of weights after a day of sitting on inadequate office chairs. Make efforts, too, to know correct lifting procedures or exercises which can help avoid repetitive strain. A few weeks with these in place should leave you ready to rumble.

Work leaves you too little time

Work also takes up a shocking amount of time. Thus, working out can seem impossible. It may be that you don’t finish until the gym is closed, or that you start before it’s light. Sadly, you aren’t going to like this solution, but it’s the best option. By waking up earlier, you create hours in your day. Even waking up half an hour earlier may leave you time to do a quick session of yoga before you set out for the day. Failing that, make use of your lunch break. Head to the gym for a half an hour session, then grab a sandwich on your way back to work. Just like that, time won’t be an issue any longer!

The Joy of Travel with No Destination

The Joy of Travel with No Destination

The Joy of Travel with No Destination. Nowadays, the modern form of travel seems to be to have everything meticulously booked in advance. Doesn’t this take away part of the great joy of traveling? The feeling of adventure and arriving in a new place. The thrill of spontaneity that you don’t know where each new day is going to take you. The stories that you will undoubtedly have to tell after getting back from a trip of this kind. Still not convinced? Here are just a few of the main reasons why you should consider traveling without a fixed destination in mind.

The Freedom of Choice

You have the total freedom to choose whatever you would like to do and go wherever you want to go. You are not bogged down by a pre-planned itinerary that leaves you fixed in what you are doing. It may seem a little scary at first, this is the way that you really get to know a place. Get underneath the surface of the main monuments and tourist traps. Access to modern technology, you know that you always have instant access to a map. If you get lost or if you are in desperate need of accommodation.

You Set the Agenda

In a group tour with lots of other people, you are restricted by the itinerary that is already laid out. However, when you set out on your own or with family, you can choose what you would like to do. If you aren’t happy with a place, you have the freedom to simply move on. This is an even more viable option if you choose to go on a camping trip. Camping trips are often the kind that lives long in the memory.

You Will Come Back with Plenty of Stories

How many stories can you possibly come back with about staying in an all-inclusive hotel? When you set out without a destination in mind, you are bound to come back with a host of anecdotes. It will amaze your friends and family. Even if what is happening at the time is bad, this will make for a great story when you return. You’re also more likely to visit places that have not been seen in the past. People are much more interested to hear these tales rather than ones about ones everyone has already visited.

So, there you have three of the main reasons why traveling without a destination is an incredible experience. If you are nervous, start on on a trip of just a couple of days before building this up over time.

The Joy of Travel with No Destination

How Quitting Stimulants Can Improve Your Health

How Quitting Stimulants Can Improve Your Health. If you’re a health-conscious person, you already spend a significant amount of your time thinking about your health. Also, ways to further improve your lifestyle, habits, and environment to feel better, live longer and have more energy.

It’s pretty much impossible to deal with every potential threat to your health that’s out there. The world is very big, after all, and our understanding of the complexities of every chemical reaction is limited.

How Quitting Stimulants Can Improve Your Health

With that being the case, one of the best overall health strategies is to focus on the obvious stuff. Addiction is one of the key areas where we can make positive change. What about addiction to something more common and every day? Like caffeine or nicotine?

We tend not to think of legal stimulant addiction as being a serious health issue. But there are some good reasons to consider making the plunge and quitting stimulants.

Here are some ways that quitting stimulants can improve your health.

By improving your sleep

Sleep is essential for good health. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to everything from perpetual, low-level fatigue and depression, to irreversible brain damage and even death.

Stimulants can have a deeply negative impact on your ability to get to bed at night. Even if you leave a gap of time between taking stimulants and sleep. You may find that the quality of your sleep is disrupted by the changing balance of hormones in your body. It can also be hormone receptor sensitivity.

One of the first benefits that people notice when quitting stimulants, is that they sleep longer and deeper.

By balancing out your energy levels

People use stimulants to boost their energy levels, as we all know. What we may not know is that the effects of stimulants on our energy levels. It can become seriously negative over time.

Stimulants typically work by dramatically affecting our hormone profiles. We tend to experience the increased energy in “bursts”, followed by inevitable crashes later on.

After prolonged stimulant use, people often rely on their morning cup of coffee, or cigarette. This is just to become functional in the morning — nevermind amped up.

Dropping stimulants can help you return to enjoying consistent, balanced energy levels.

By normalising your stress hormone production

Cortisol is the primary “stress hormone” of the body. Along with other hormones like adrenaline — triggers the “fight or flight” response to threats.

Stimulants chronically elevate these stress hormone and put our bodies into a state of “alertness” around the clock. This is a major issue. As elevated stress hormone levels ruin our health — including damaging our brains and making it harder to develop new memories. Calm is the antidote.

Keeping your stress hormone levels under control is fundamental to good health. For many people, quitting stimulants helps with this dramatically.

Can Dementia Be Prevented?

Can Dementia Be Prevented? Dementia is a disorder that usually occurs in older people- however, it’s not a normal aging process. Those will the illness will suffer from memory loss, changes in their character and impaired reasoning. Since they can forget who their closest family and friends are it can be incredibly difficult for the patient and their family. It’s something that no one ever wants to go through. There are things we can do throughout our lives to lower the risk.

Can Dementia Be Prevented?

According to companies who specialize in patients with dementia, caring for these people requires a lot. Following a program specifically catered to their needs is one thing. Of course, most of us want to keep our independence for as long as we can. So, staying fit and healthy is of the utmost importance. Here’s what you can to do help ward off dementia and stay sharp mentally throughout your life.

Eat Healthily and Exercise

Surprisingly, weight is a risk factor for dementia and being overweight can tip the odds against your favor. This is because being overweight can increase your blood pressure. This is linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Eating healthily, exercising and living a generally healthy lifestyle will keep all kinds of illnesses at bay. Diabetes, stroke, and heart issues along with dementia.

It’s not too late to start now, clean up your diet and make changes to get more active. If you’re very unfit then start small. Go on walks or use an exercise bike on the lowest resistance until you feel stronger. You might not enjoy it right away as exercise when you don’t have a foundation level of fitness can feel extremely tiring and unpleasant. But stick with it, you will soon start to get into the swing of it and will find yourself enjoying it. It helps to ward off dementia later in life, and for now, you get to reap the rewards of having more energy and a more svelte physique.

Quit Your Dangerous Vices

Drinking too much alcohol, smoking and taking illegal drugs can all bump up your risk of developing dementia later on. Again, much of this comes down to blood pressure- these substances narrow the arteries which has a knock on effect on the brain. Be aware of how much alcohol you drink. Quit smoking and taking illegal substances. Again, your health will improve in the here and now and you set yourself up for a much better future.

Avoid Head Injury

Can Dementia Be Prevented? Of course, no one sets out to get a head injury. But you should always take precautions to lower your risk. When you’re playing sports or at work, wear the right protective equipment to prevent knocks on the head. Invest in a car which has good safety features to protect your head in a crash. Don’t take silly risks that could lead to injury. Head injuries, being knocked unconscious or being in a coma can increase your chances of developing dementia later in life.

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success. We all have dreams and goals in life, and so many of these revolve around accomplishments and success. When it comes to life goals, you should focus on what you want. Formulate a plan to go get it! Too many people are satisfied being stuck in the rat race. So, a lot are too scared to actually take the plunge and make any kind of life change.

This is where you give yourself an edge over your rivals by getting proactive and taking charge of your future. There are so many ways of doing this. Keep in mind that you have goals and dreams. If you want to improve your life and achieve a level of success, you need to make changes and move your life forward. So, here are some things to consider when helping you achieve this.

Most people who choose to make dramatic life changes will look at the problems in their lives and focus on one particular area they are dissatisfied with. For a lot of us, this is likely to be our career path. Consider where your career fits in your life and just how fulfilling you actually find what you do. You might choose to shed the monotony of the daily office grind and choose to work at home instead. Now, there is no rule that says your job has to be fulfilling, but you may decide it’s time for a change. You might even think about becoming an entrepreneur and going into business for yourself – this could improve your happiness and enhance your life.

It’s also important to think about money and how you can earn more of it. Yes, this links to your career path, but there are other things to consider as well. When it comes to your financial security, this is something you need to think hard about. Providing for your family and having enough money for a secure future is vital, and this is why so many people consider investing. There are plenty of options for investment these days, and real estate seems to be popular. If you are nervous about investing alone, you might consider a crowdfunding platform.

It is also really important to get out and see the world in all its glory. So many people don’t travel too far from their own homes, and they are missing out on important experiences. Make sure you travel the world, visit new places, and experience new things. This is an excellent way of changing your life and enriching your future. It will give you valuable experience and help you improve your life in the long run.

Onward and Upward: Improve Your Life and Achieve Success. These are just a few of the things you need to remember when it comes to trying to enhance and boost your life. Achieving success is so crucial in your life, and you need to make sure you do as much as possible to work toward success and achieving your goals. Moving your life onward and upward is important for working toward your future goals and ambitions.

The Two Main Indicators Of A Growing Health Issue

There are many issues that we have to deal with in our lives. Social issues, trying to gain an income, becoming a better person, staying in touch with ourselves and enjoying recreational time. However, there are other things that can crop up when we least expect them to. Health issues are among the most insidious because they can seemingly crop up at any time.

The Two Main Indicators Of A Growing Health Issue

For this reason, it pays to stay aware of noticing the early signs of a growing health issue. This list is by no means exhaustive, but there are some things you can put into practice to ensure you stay healthy. So you can at least see the correct medical personnel and catch issues early. You should be mindful of:


Life stresses can pile up and seemingly leave us all worried about our energy levels. We all know that feeling of feeling lethargic when trying to get out of bed in the morning. It might be that we’re used to taking an hour each morning to get our mental faculties in order. This is relatively normal, especially if you work a taxing job. You are undergoing some personal stress, or you’re generally very spent at the end of each day.

It’s not normal to experience a much more intense state of fatigue that threatens to render you dysfunctional. It might be you’re suffering from fatigue but in your self-disciplined state have been ignoring it. Good warning signs are feeling absolutely drained of all energy throughout the day. Increasing black circles around your eyes, and ironically a lack of sleep quality. People often joke about feeling tired and drained all the time, but feeling put out for the longest time can harm you. Lack of rest can even begin simulating mild intoxication with relative ease. If you notice this has become a trend, see your doctor. Adjust your diet to be more healthy, and consider exercising if you do not already.


It’s quite common for someone suffering from health issues to feel a sense of difficulty with their regularity and digestion. There are many gastro doctors available to help you identify and resolve issues like this. Sometimes this can be hard to pinpoint in the first place. If you notice intense changes in your stool, your ability to control timing, there is an intense need to figure things out.

Internal infections, terrible diets, unhappy gut health and many other issues can be identified by your local clinic. Having them either inspect or diagnose you based on your description. Absolutely everyone needs a healthy digestive system to thrive. So, implementing changes should be first on your agenda if you notice an issue.

These two issues are by no means the only things you should watch out for. Often they are the most wide-spanning forms of indicating a potential issue. Ascertain your energy levels and keep an eye on your regularity. You’ll no doubt find that you can pinpoint many health problems the moment they begin.

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Eat Like the Greeks Do!

Are you a fan of Greek food? Does the thought of olives, tzatziki, and gyro make your mouth water? So, do you like the famous Kleftiko and moussaka? Greek food is divine, and the Mediterranean are well known for their healthy lifestyles and amazing cooking skills. So, if you want to eat like the Greeks do (and let’s face it, who wouldn’t?), read on for some helpful tips…

Embrace the condiment

Greeks love a good dip! There is nothing better than starting off your meal with Pitta bread and a selection of dips. Tzatziki is probably the most famous and universally adored. This is a dip that is made from Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, cucumber, and mint. To make your own from scratch, a Greek yogurt maker will come in very handy. Hummus is another popular option, and this dip is made from chickpeas. If you are a fan of fish, taramasalata is a must. This is made from the salted and cured roe of the cod, and it’s a lovely bright pink color!

Eat Like the Greeks Do!

Add oregano and lemon to everything

Well, you probably won’t want to add oregano to your dessert, but almost everything! Oregano is added to salad dressings, marinades, sauces, bread, potatoes, salads, and meat. Not only does it taste amazing, but it is great for your health too, as it is an excellent source of antioxidants. And, what about lemon? Well, if you go to a Greek restaurant, you will see that virtually every dish is accompanied by a lemon. Greek people add it to everything; they squeeze it over their main course no matter what they are eating. Don’t knock it until you have tried it!

Eat dessert on its own

If you went to Greece thirty years ago; you would never see someone eating dessert after a meal. Typically, fruit is served after a meal, and dessert is simply enjoyed on its own. It may be offered as a sweet treat when visiting someone’s house, or it may be enjoyed during the holidays.

Don’t be afraid of olive oil

If you don’t have olive oil in your cupboards, you definitely won’t be cooking or eating like a Greek! Greek people LOVE olive oil. They cook everything in it. You should not be afraid of using olive oil in your food. It is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat and it has lots of antioxidants in it. In fact, most experts advise that you use olive oil as your main source of fat. Did you know that Greeks are the largest consumers of olive oil in the world? The average Greek uses about 23 liters per year!

So there you have it, stock up on your olive oil and embrace the variety of delicious dips on offer, and you are good to go. Greek food and cooking is not complicated, and that is exactly what makes it so brilliant and so tasty. Enjoy!

Are Your Protecting Your Health?

Your health should be a top priority to you, but is it really? Probably not. There are so many ways we’re missing out on opportunities to protect our health. In fact, we seem to be lapping up the chances to damage it! But as we age we start to realize the importance of protecting our health at all times, because it won’t be long until the time comes where you can do nothing to actually change the outcome of your health. The earlier you start being proactive, the better off you’re going to be. So, we’ve got a few ways to make sure you’re protecting your health.

Are You Protected

Are Your Protecting Your Health?

We’re not fortunate enough to live in a country where our healthcare is provided for us. So what we’re slapped with is huge medical bills if something does start to go wrong. Don’t ever make the mistake of not being protected by medical insurance. You’d be surprised at how many people actually turn down medical treatment. So, even the need for an ambulance they can’t afford the cost of being taken to the hospital. Even though medical insurance is expensive, it sure beats the price of not having it when something does go wrong. At least you’ll find comfort in the fact you can go into hospital without having to worry about affording it.

Fuel Your Body Right

One of the best ways to keep your health protected is to fuel your body right. The more rubbish you’re putting into your body, the more exhaustion you’re going to feel throughout the day. Fill your diet with healthy greens, veggies, and protein.

That way you’re going to be fuel for the day with plenty of energy. It is the junk food that we’re filling our diets with that is causing us so many issues. For one, it leads to obesity, and America is the leading country for the obesity statistic. This, in turn, can lead to many health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks, and even asthma due to the strain your body is being put under. So, now you see the right diet is the best diet to have, otherwise you’ll only be damaging your health.

Light Exercise

We understand that not everyone is going to want to run to the gym every other day. A lot of people struggle to find the motivation or self-confidence to head into a gym. So, why not just do some light exercise. You don’t need to be up and about running all the time. What you do should to do is go for a brisk walk every morning. Try and freshen you up, as well as to help you keep nice and slim. Walking is one of the best ways of losing weight, some say it is even better than actually running.

4 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms to Avoid

4 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms to Avoid

Everyone experiences times when life gets on top of them, and they feel under a great deal of pressure. People deal with extreme feelings of stress in different ways. While some of them are positive and effective, others are harmful to your physical and mental wellbeing. The following are a few of the most common negative coping methods, as well as a couple of ideas on how you can lessen or stop the bad habit to reduces its impacts on your life.

Drinking Too Much Caffeine

When people have jobs that require them to work long hours, they often turn to caffeine to keep them awake and focused. And since you can find a Starbucks on every corner, it is easier than ever to get your daily ‘fix’ of coffee. While that doesn’t mean you have to forego your daily cup of coffee, you don’t want to get to the stage where you are suffering from anxiety from not drinking it and your sleep is disturbed. Try replacing coffee with another drink like green tea which has been shown to have a number of positive health benefits and think of the money you will save by avoiding take-away coffee.

Drinking Alcohol or Taking Drugs

Many of us use alcohol or drugs to calm down and destress at the end of a long day. However, it can be a slippery slope in which you need more and more to feel the effects. Some people have addictive personalities and they are more likely to head down the path of dependence. If you feel that this has happened to you, you should consult your physician or look up a support facility. Addiction is something that is very difficult to overcome all by yourself.

Compulsive Spending

Buying something nice for yourself once-in-a-while can act as a boost to your self-esteem, but remember, it is not a long-term solution. If you do this every time that you are feeling stressed or down in any way, you can end up spending compulsively. And since internet shopping makes it easier than ever to, you don’t even have to leave your house to spend a fortune. When you go out to buy anything, question yourself as to whether you need it or you already have something very similar. If you really feel the need to shop, buy something cheap. Sometimes, grabbing a bargain in a sale can make you feel even better!

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating tends to involve consuming the things which are worst for our bodies leading to excessive weight, poor health, and more stress from worrying about these things. Reduce temptations for yourself by not keeping anything unhealthy at home and preparing yourself some healthy snacks instead.
Unhealthy coping methods to deal with stress or anxiety in your life are very common. But rather than giving in to them, you should try to come up with some alternatives which are better for you.

Planning The Perfect Evening Dinner Party With Your Friends

Planning The Perfect Evening Dinner Party With Your Friends

Planning The Perfect Evening Dinner Party With Your Friends. Are you the type of person who loves to arrange dinner parties with your friends? Are you new to the idea, and you want to learn more? Then this article is for you! There are some tips and suggestions below that should help to ensure you leave no stone unturned and manage to organise a perfect social gathering that all your friends will enjoy. Of course, you should feel free to tailor these suggestions based on your knowledge of the attendees and the nature of the event. The ideas are here to point you in the right direction and ensure you don’t overlook anything essential.

Sourcing the best foods

There is a reasonable chance you will want to show off a little when you invite friends round for a dinner party. You will want to make sure the food you prepare is succulent and tasty so that everyone has a fabulous time at your gathering. When all’s said and done, there is no point cooking frozen food from a packet for your dinner party. Your guests could eat that at home without having to travel all the way to your house. Give them something special.

Choosing the right wines

Depending on the meats you select for your dishes, it’s vital that you choose the correct wines to compliment the meals. Use this as a rough guide to point you in the right direction:

Red wine goes with red meat, chicken, and salmon.

White wine goes with fish, chicken, salad, vegetables, pastry, and fruit.

Of course, you can also go to see the specialist at your local wine store and ask them for advice once you know the meals you plan to prepare.

Creating an atmosphere and setting the tone

Lastly, no dinner party is complete without the right atmosphere. You need to work hard to ensure you create the desired mood and set the tone for your event. That could mean dimming the lights and making sure you have music playing when your guests arrive. Organising dinner parties is a great way to relieve stress, but you’ll struggle without the right atmosphere. So, maybe you’ll think about arranging some entertainment to get everyone in the mood at the beginning of the evening. Perhaps you know a local acoustic guitarist who could provide a classical musical accompaniment to your social gathering? Whatever you decide to do, make sure you think outside of the box and leave no stone unturned.

Now you know how to plan to perfect dinner party with your friends, nothing should stand in the way of your success. With a bit of luck, your guests will offer many compliments and ask you to repeat the process the following month. It’s hard to find time for your nearest and dearest as you mature due to work and home commitments. However, dinner parties are an excellent way to spend some precious moments together.

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7 Methods For Dealing With Stress

Stress is something that most of us will go through at some point in our lives, but how we manage it can differ. Some people deal with stress well; others can find that it has a serious effect on their mental health.

7 Methods For Dealing With Stress

Finding ways to manage your stress is important. It will help you to process things easier and allow you to focus your mind elsewhere, while also helping you to sleep better at night.

Take a look at these seven ideas for dealing with stress and help yourself to manage your symptoms to make you more resilient and give your mental health a boost.

1. Avoid turning to drinking or smoking

In times of stress, it can be easy to turn to substances or stimulants to help you feel better, but the truth is that these things can make you feel worse. If you make a habit of relying on these vices, you could find yourself becoming addicted – something that will only increase your stress levels.

If you find that smoking or drinking is adding to your stress, then you might need to get some help to kick your habit. One solution is to try medication assisted treatment which can help you overcome your addictions. Other solutions could include speaking to your doctor, or even hypnosis as a way to give up smoking. Treating your addictions will help you improve your health and help you find other ways to manage stress.

2. Get active

Exercise is an excellent way to deal with stress. Not only does it help to release endorphins (your feel-good hormones), but it will also help you to release that built-up tension you might be feeling. Some of the best exercises for dealing with stress include yoga, high-intensity exercise and Tai Chi.

By getting active, you can teach yourself to be calmer and give yourself something else to focus your mind on. Exercising is a way to stop your health problems in their tracks and can help you boost your overall health and wellbeing too. Staying fit and getting in shape can help you work on your confidence and self-esteem, which could help increase your resilience to stress.

3. Tackle your problems head-on

Ignoring the problem can add to your stress, so if something repeatedly causes you to feel stressed like your job or a difficult relationship – then tackle it head-on. Learn to take control of the situation to help you resolve your issues to change the way it affects you.

Tackling your problems takes some bravery, but there are things that you can do to make it easier. Taking classes in building resilience can help you, as can practicing conversations with others ahead of a difficult situation such as a job interview or meeting with your boss.

4. Get more sleep

Sleep is important for your health, and while stress can cause you to experience a lack of sleep, not getting enough can make feelings of stress worse. It’s recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and this can be difficult to get if you lead a busy lifestyle or if your mental health is preventing you from sleeping.

Start by trying out proven ways to help you get a better night’s sleep. Some solutions include exercising in the evenings or turning off your electronics an hour before you go to sleep. Try to relax as much as possible – some meditation or a relaxing bath can do wonders for your mood and help your body to wind down in preparation for a good night’s sleep.

5. Talk about your problems

They say that ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ and this is certainly true when it comes to stressful situations. Talking with someone can benefit you in many ways. For example, talking offers a great way to vent your frustrations or to simply ease the burden you might have been facing. Talking to someone doesn’t have to mean talking to a professional or a doctor – a trusted friend or family member can also help you to feel better.

If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know, another alternative is to use an online forum or a platform like Reddit. You can discuss your problems anonymously and possibly get some useful advice and solutions from people who have been in your shoes before.

6. Write it down

Writing your thoughts down can be very therapeutic, which makes it a great way to treat stress. So, writing things down can have a significant impact on your thought process, which will make it easier for you to work out problems, rationalize your thoughts and even put some issues to bed before you become too consumed by them.

Writing your thoughts down can be private, using a pen and paper or writing on a computer. You could also turn your thoughts into a blog to help you turn your experiences into something more positive and give you something to focus on.

7. Channel your energies into something productive

It’s good to have hobbies – they help you relax and give you something to focus your energies into that will make you feel happier and less distracted by other things happening in your life. Hobbies can include anything from sports to craft hobbies – anything that you enjoy and gives you pleasure. Some of the best hobbies for reducing stress include reading, painting/coloring, and cooking.

To help you find a hobby that you enjoy and that relaxes you, try doing something different each night. Staying busy will help to take your mind off your stress, and you could soon find yourself with a fantastic new hobby that you can dip into when you want to relax and enjoy yourself.

Stress can affect anyone at any time, but it’s important that you learn to control it. Make your way through the list to find the most appropriate solution and make sure you get the right help if you need it. Learning to deal with stress will make you feel stronger and more capable – leaving you ready to tackle anything.

3 Tactics You Can Take To Stop Health Problems In Their Tracks

No one wants to have a health issue to deal with. However, as human beings, we know that perfect health is something that few of us have the benefit of all the time. Luckily, though if we take this issue seriously and act before things become a major issue we can maintain good health for as long as possible. Read on for some tactics for doing just this.

Exercise the right way

3 Tactics You Can Take To Stop Health Problems In Their Tracks

Exercise is excellent for improving and maintaining a healthy body and mind. It burns fat, builds muscles, and can make your body stronger and more flexible. It also produces happy chemicals that will improve and regulate your mood and flush out toxins from your system.

However, to get all the good stuff from exercise and reduce the chance of injuries that can lay you out for weeks, you do need to go about things in the right way. This means warming up before you move your body when exercising and allowing yourself some time to cool down and rid your muscles of lactic acid afterwards.

It also means picking the right sort of activity to do. In particular, select an exercise activity because you love to do it, rather than because of the goals of losing weight and getting fitter. It is also essential to learn to listen to your body and be able to differentiate between right pain where you are healthily pushing your body, and bad pain when you are driving too far and have an injury.

Regular medical checks

The next tactic that you need to put into practice in your life to stop health problem in their tracks is regular medical checkups. That means not only attending routine doctor’s appointments but also making time for specialist appointments such as the gynecologists. Also, don’t forget about the other aspects of wellbeing like dental health.

In fact, if you pick a good dentist, you can not only look after your teeth but also get a good insight into other areas such your heart health, and diet. After all, your teeth can say a lot about where you may experience potential problems in the future if you don’t get your health in hand.

If in doubt check it out

Lastly, if you are determined to stop any health problems in their tracks, it is useful to ensure that you get anything you are concerned about checked out. Now, this can be an issue for some folks because it’s easy to ignore things entirely and hope they will go away, or get health-obsessed and end up terrified every time you come across a lump or bump that wasn’t there before.

To help you get the right balance, it’s important to try and stay away from searching symptoms on Google if you haven’t already got a recognized issue to be aware of. Also, while it may be inconvenient, it always worth checking it out with a medical professional and getting their opinion on the matter. Then you can be sure you that you are taking the correct action to stop any medical problem that may develop in their tracks.

Please check out our YouTube channel for more topics like this. 

3 Reasons Why Smoothies Can Revolutionize Your Life

If you love nothing better than feeling refreshed, reinvigorated, fit and healthy throughout your day, the chances are you’ve already spied the benefits of adding smoothies to your repertoire of meal options. Many people still have an outdated concept of smoothie. They may think it’s a glorified milkshake, a banana flavored gloop or a drink for those people who hate vegetables and fruit and see this as an easy way of seeking nutrients. Smoothies are so much more than this. They can be a cocktail of more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than you can shake a stick at. They are delicious, nutritious and simple to make. So, next time you’re heading for the snack drawer why not consider a smoothie instead? It just might change your life. It’s a great way to save time during your day also.


3 Reasons Why Smoothies Can Revolutionize Your Life

Most people who long for the flavor and health benefits of smoothies start out with the wrong equipment and then fail to make a decent drink. They end up with some lumpy mess that borders on the inedible. Instead, head to Best Comparer to seek out unbiased reviews of the finest smoothie makers on the market. Depending on your budget you can secure a small smoothie maker that fits in with your kitchen, doesn’t take up too much space and will have you intuitively making expert smoothies in minutes.

Go Green

Remember the Popeye cartoon with the sailor who had the most bulging set of biceps known to mankind because he used to guzzle spinach? This was an attempt to get the nation eating their greens. In the twenty-first century kids and adults alike don’t fall for this mind trickery. Instead, there’s a need to excite the nation with a new way of getting the necessary vitamins, mineral and fiber into their diet. Using a smoothie maker, you can create a delicious liquid meal or snack full of spinach, kale, mint and wheatgrass. The antioxidants contained within these leafy green vegetables will increase the levels of iron in your diet, make you feel more alert and energized and will allow you to promote positive heart health.


The easiest way to get your little darlings to eat their greens or vegetables is to hide them. While you are a dab hand at hiding the carrots in the spag bol, it can be harder to hide the broccoli. Instead, you can have some fun with your little cherubs and concoct some of their very own smoothie recipes. Go for the rainbow and create some colorful combinations. How about a pomegranate, mandarin and ginger smoothie? Or what about a tropical guava, pineapple and mango creation? The possibilities are endless, and it’s the easiest way of ensuring your kids receive the nutrients they need.

Smoothies really can change lives for the better. They are simple to create, you can use any fruit or vegetables languishing in your cupboards, and you can have fun while creating new recipes. Whip out your smoothie maker, put a rainbow of fruit and veg on your table top and get creating today.

Wedding Planning: What You Should Do as Soon as You’ve Said Yes

Wedding Planning: What You Should Do as Soon as You’ve Said Yes

Once the question has been popped and you’ve said yes, what should you do? It’s up to you to get things underway. If you don’t, your wedding day could end up being a long way off. When not set the day early and start getting ready for it? That way, things won’t need to drag on and on, which has to be a good thing. Here are the things that you should start doing as soon as you’ve said yes!

Write Up the Guest List and Prepare the Invitations

First of all, you should think about what kind of size you want the wedding to be and who you want to be invited. When you know how many people, you can write up the guest list and then start sending out all of the invitations. Choose a company to create stylish invitations that will impress anyone who receives one. It’s much better than making them yourself.

Select Your Bridesmaids

Next, you should select your bridesmaids so you can let them know their roles well in advance of the wedding. They should be the first people to know about the wedding plans. Also, when it will be held because they’ll have a vital role to play and they need to be available. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process; simply choose your close friends, how ever many or few of them as you like.

Tour Some Venue Options

There are few things more important than your wedding venue, so make sure that you find the right place as soon as you can. You want to get on this quickly because if you don’t all the places you choose to book could already be booked up for the dates you’re looking for. It’s important to tour them in person too because only then can you see first-hand what’s on offer.

Taste Catering Samples

The food you serve at your wedding reception needs to be of the highest quality. It’s embarrassing to serve up food for people that’s sub-par when they’re only there to support you and celebrate your wedding. Make sure that you test samples from caterers before you make your final decision. If you don’t, you’ll be taking a big risk.

Start Thinking About Your Dress

It would be wrong to wrap this up without mentioning the thing that most brides get most excited about: the wedding dress. It’s never too early to start looking for inspiration and considering the myriad different styles and options out there. There’s more than you could possibly imagine, and you need to consider it all in order to find the dress that’s right for you.

Your wedding planning should start right away because why not? The sooner you start thinking about these important issues, the sooner you’ll have a strong plan in place. And that means that you’ll have less stress to deal with later on when your wedding day gets closer. So what are you waiting for?

After all this you will be planning dinner parties so use this as practice.

4 Steps To a Happier and Longer Marriage

The honeymoon period of any marriage or relationship does have a certain shelf life. But just because that is the case, does it mean that you can’t have a happy marriage or get those butterfly excited feelings again, like you once had? If that is the kind of relationship that you want to have, then it can certainly happen. And all marriages go through patches that are a little rough. The key is to remember to put your spouse first, especially during rougher times, so that you can both come out of the other side feeling much more positive about things.

Show Appreciation

4 Steps To a Happier and Longer Marriage

When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it can be easy to get into the mundane routine of life. The excitement of seeing each other after work each day can easily change to a pack on the cheek, to not even really noticing the other is home if you’re not careful. So recognizing when you’re in that routine, and mixing things up a little, is important. Show appreciation to your spouse, and don’t just expect them to do certain things as it is part of the routine. Remind yourself why you appreciate your partner too. When you all feel connected and appreciated, it goes a long way in our relationships.

Be Honest

It can be hard to be honest all of the time, especially if there is something that you are ashamed about. You might have maxed out a credit card or spent a little too much this past month. But be honest about it. When it comes to you paying for things down the line that you can’t afford or applying for loans, this kind of thing can have an impact, especially when it is a while later. So be honest in all that you do with your spouse. If you are finding it tough, then looking to attend licensed couples therapy could be an option, simply as there is someone else there to mediate. When you’re not honest, you’re in the danger zone.

Focus on Mutual Goals

Having some of the same goals and things that you want to be working towards is key for a marriage. You don’t have to have everything aligned, but a few aspects of your life, such as your faith, family ideals, or career goals, could be the same. So, you can cheer each other on and help each other to get where you want to be, and to enjoy those aspects of your relationship. You don’t have to enjoy the same hobbies or ways to spend time, as long as you have the same or similar end goals.

Watch Your Words

When you share your innermost feelings with your other half, it can be hurtful when they are used against you. So you need to be careful about the things that you say, especially when said in rage. Be kind, be sensitive, and don’t do anything that will purposely hurt your other half. Instead, take a step back, and realize why you were thinking about saying it. What other issue needs to be resolved?

Friendly Foods With Unique Benefits You Need In Your Life

If you’re trying to get fit, or just stay healthy, you do need to think about friendly foods. What do we mean by friendly foods? These are foods that have benefits to your body, and we’re not just talking about the five a day here. There are certain foods that have shocking and unique benefits. They will put you in a better position for your health now and indeed in the future. We know it’s not particularly useful to just mention these foods. So, we’ll discuss how they can make some delicious dishes for you or even the whole family. Let’s get started then by thinking about chocolate.

Let’s Get A Little Dark

Friendly Foods With Unique Benefits You Need In Your Life

Yes, dark chocolate is good for you, unlike its naughty brother, milk chocolate and the odd duck white chocolate. Dark chocolate has numerous health benefits but here are some of the better ones to consider. Dark chocolate can help you avoid the craving that causes you to seek out junk food. You know when you come home after a long day and you start rooting around for a sugary snack?

Eat dark chocolate, and you’ll no longer do that. It’s worth pointing out that like everything, it’s all about moderation. If you gorge yourself on dark chocolate in can have a negative impact that’s similar to eating milk chocolate. But a little as a snack could be a great option. It will even keep those stress levels in check. You won’t need to worry about one of the main reasons why people tend to resort to junk food.

If you’re looking for a way to add dark chocolate to your diet, why not make some cookies. You can make a whole tray and keep them as health snacks when you need a pick me up through the day. It might stop you reaching for something else that is a lot more damaging to your health.

See Shells, Sea Shells From The Seafloor

Have you ever tried oysters? Oysters are often considered to be very sensual food due to the impact that they have on your hormones. Indeed, many people claim they are an aphrodisiac, but that’s not the benefit we’re interested in. Instead, we’re far more fascinated by the fact that oysters are actually beneficial to your immune system. So, if you add a few oysters to your diet, you could avoid some of the common colds and other issues with your health that can impact your immune system. This can be incredibly beneficial if you’re trying to get your fitness in order because the bad flu or cold can knock you out of the running for weeks.

You might be wondering where you can get oysters from and we have good news on that front. You can find oysters for sale online that you can order and get sent directly to your door. There’s an idea that exists online that you shouldn’t buy oysters in months including R. This is simply due to the fact that some people think oysters aren’t as good in colder weather, but it’s nonsense. It all depends on how you prepare them. So, how should you add oysters to your meal plan? Well, oysters are actually easy to serve once you learn how to shuck them. Don’t worry, there are guides for this online and then you can add finely chopped lemon peelings with orange juice as well as Campari for a delightful, tasty snack.

Watermelon Works Wonders

Don’t you just hate it when you wake up the day after a long workout to find that your muscles are killing you? It can be so bad that you can’t even lift your hands over your head. Again, this can be a problem because it will put your exercise routine completely out of whack. You’ll need to take a long break of at least a few days to recover. If you can avoid this, you should, and we know how to.

You just need to make sure that you are sipping melon juice in between workouts or sweats. We don’t know why but studies show that this works brilliantly. If you do this, you’ll wake up the next morning, and you won’t be in any pain at all.

The best part is that you don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this. Squeeze some juice into a glass, and you’re good to go. We recommend doing this rather than buying processed juice in a store as they tend to include sweeteners as well as sugar for extra flavor. You don’t want that.

Pick A Pepper

Peppers are another beneficial food for your health, and they have a surprising benefit that you’re probably not aware of. A recent study suggested that eating peppers could reduce your chance of developing Parkinson’s diseases by up to thirty percent. The degenerative disease can turn your twilight years into hell so you should be doing anything you can to avoid this.

One of the great things about peppers is that they are easy to include in a variety of different meals including carbonara or just cut up and sprinkled over mash. If you want a quick ten-minute meal, you can make with peppers to make a couple stuffed peppers for dinner one night. Cut the top off, fill them with rice and some delicious sauce. Stick them in the over with the top for ten to twenty minutes and serve.

As you can see then, there is a massive variety of foods with unique benefits to your health. We strongly recommend you consider adding at least a few of these to your diet as they will improve your health and fitness in the long and the short term. Of course, there are other foods you should be aiming to add to your meal plan too, and anything with antioxidants should certainly be high up on your list of priorities.  

Please check out our YouTube channel for more topics like this. 

Why Fats Can Be Your Friends

Why Fats Can Be Your Friends. Trying to stay in shape is particularly confusing these days. It seems that with every passing week there’s a new fad diet that’s revolutionizing the way in which we eat. They all have accreditation from a prominent dietician. They promise that this diet will succeed where all the others had failed. Because this is how human beings are supposed to be eating. You’ll see images of astonishing transformations. You’ll think to yourself “This one, this one right here will be the one that changes my life!”. You’ll sign up, buy the book or join their monthly subscription service and likely see some initial gains… But these tend to peter out after a while.

Why Fats Can Be Your Friends

That’s because of most trendy diets a common factor. They often exalt one food group above all others and tell you to eliminate one from your diet altogether. One minute fats are the enemy and should be eliminated from our diets altogether. The next minute fats are absolutely fine, and it’s carbohydrates that are the devious forces behind our ever-expanding waistlines. Dr. Atkins and Dr. Dukan say one thing (albeit with very different emphases). Others say quite another. For the neophyte who just wants to clean up her diet a little, it can be difficult to know which way to turn.

There was a time when a lack of information impeded people from reaching their fitness goals. In the digital age we have the exact opposite problem. With such a wealth of information out there (so much of it so completely contradictory) it can be extremely discombobulating. With so many food groups demonized, it can add a side helping of guilt to every bite.

Here, we’re going to be looking at fats.


The very word makes your skin crawl a little, doesn’t it?

We’ve become accustomed to the demonization of fats. When an Atkins diet or a Dukan diet comes along, people flock to it. Simply because of the paradigm shift that they represent. But have fats always been so smeared by the diet industry… Let’s take a look.

The fat smear campaign

Nobody in their right mind could deny that many places across the world, are facing an obesity epidemic. Lots of Americans have a high protein, high-fat diet. Comprised of mostly meat and dairy products or starchy vegetables like potatoes and white breads. There’s so much that’s wrong with the diet that’s making people obese that it can be hard to pick a target and while fat is part of the problem, it would be an oversimplification to label fats as public enemy number one.

The low fat fad began in the 1970s and while on the surface it seemed to make sense (eating less fat makes you fat), the studies upon which the low fat fad was based were flawed and have since been debunked. Nonetheless, the low fat fad created a huge boom in heavily processed “health” foods that actually contributed far more to the US obesity epidemic.

Here’s the thing, kids. When you take the fat out of food, it tastes nasty. Food manufacturers were cognizant of this, and thus loaded their supposedly healthy low fat foods with refined sugars.

This created far more problems than it solved. In eliminating fats, people began eating carbohydrates indiscriminately. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. A bowl of oatmeal is very nutritionally different to a sugar loaded cereal. Which brings us to…

All fats are not created equal

Just as we shouldn’t be indiscriminately treating carbs the same, so we should distinguish between healthy fats and damaging fats. There are plenty of sources of healthy fats out there that can easily be incorporated into your diet. But just as treating all carbs the same is potentially dangerous, so too should be be wary of consuming all fats indiscriminately. While a great many fats are beneficial, many fats from processed foods like trans fats can be extremely damaging to our health. Processed meats like bacon, ham, salami and pepperoni should be avoided as these are type 1 carcinogens. That’s the same category as cigarettes!

Learn the value of moderation

None of this is to say that you should abstain entirely from the foods you love. That’s the surest way to give yourself cravings that will offset your diet goals. If you really want a pizza or a Philly cheese steak, go ahead and have one, just be aware that these are treats and should be treated as such. Fast food is a fun treat that we shouldn’t deny ourselves on occasion, but more and more people are consuming it on a regular basis.

Keep it real

The surest way to ensure that you’re getting enough healthy fats is to cook more often, make things from scratch and avoid processed foods wherever you can (including ready made dressings and sauces). Stick to vegetable fat sources such as avocados, olive oil, peanut butter, nuts and seeds. These are all great sources of omega 3, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that can actually help to lower blood cholesterol.

Getting these from natural sources will likely also help to ensure that you get plenty of the much needed fruits and veggies into your diet which are essential for their nutrient density and fiber. Even if you’re too busy to cook a meal, a little avocado or peanut butter and some chia seeds in your smoothie are quick and easy ways to get more healthy fats into your diet.

The simple truth is that fats should neither be eliminated outright not devoured indiscriminately. A healthy diet is not as simple as excluding or over indulging on one food group at the expense of all others. Fats can be healthy and they can be unhealthy, it’s the source of the fat and the kind of dat that’s most important rather than the food group itself. Oversimplification when it comes to fat can not only compromise your weight loss goals but seriously compromise your health.

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Feeling Short On Time? You're Not Alone: Have A Life Despite Harsher Time Constraints

Feeling Short On Time? You're Not Alone: Have A Life Despite Harsher Time Constraints

Feeling Short On Time? You’re Not Alone: Have A Life Despite Harsher Time Constraints. No matter where you’re from, or where you live, unless you happen to be extremely wealthy, life is not exactly a holiday. Life has always been busy for most working people, but some argue that it is not busier than ever. Leaving less and less free time to dedicate to your hobbies, pastimes and spending time with friends or family. Such is life, and it has come to the point where most people almost entirely dedicate themselves to either their career or just trying to scrape by until their next paycheck. Well, it does seem rather grim when you think about it, but with some clever planning and reconsidering, you could still squeeze in some activities during the little downtime you have.

Social life

dawn rambes center stage party

When you work full time, your social life is often limited to more or less just weekends, well, except for the occasional time you pop out to the pub or bar with your friends after work. Fortunately for you, we live in the age of the internet and socializing online has never been easier. The amount of social networks out there is quite astonishing and you are sure to find one to fit your needs. Want to go and meet someone special?

Tired of Tinder-esque dating sites full of people looking for one-night stands? Want to find something a bit more serious? Need a quick fix of just chatting with your friends? If so, Facebook is for you. Want to find out what your friends are up to and follow your favorite musicians or artists? Twitter is probably the way to go. The fact that social media will never replace actual, face to face human interaction should go without saying, but this is definitely something which can help you through those tougher times.

Hobbies and pastimes

crazy staler lady on the tv

If you have long given up on your hobby because you have no time to dedicate to it, you are not alone. Many people suffer from the same problem. Often conclude that the best thing to do would be just to resign and spend their evenings watching TV. This seems like a dismal way to go about life. So, if you want to once again get involved with something else other than work and mindless entertainment, there are a few ways to go about that.

  • Try to pick up a hobby which you can enjoy on the go. The amount of time wasted sitting around on public transport to and from work. Also, on the way to the city, back home, sitting around in queues at the doctor’s office, is pretty sizeable. Pick up something you can do in situations like these, for example, knitting, reading books, or even portable gaming.
  • Choose hobbies which benefit from shorter, but regular, bursts of time put into them. Rather than ones which require you to sit down for hours on end. In that way, you can fit in an hour or two every day into your schedule. So, rather than having to take out a sizeable chunk of your day just to get started.
  • Try to indulge in your hobbies while doing other things. For example, if you happen to be watching your favorite show at a set time. See if you can do something else while watching it, learning to multitask like that definitely improves chances of actually having some extra time on your hands.

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A Clean and Clear Mind: Natural Ways to Beat Stress 100%

A Clean and Clear Mind: Natural Ways to Beat Stress 100%

A Clean and Clear Mind: Natural Ways to Beat Stress 100%. All in all, we can say that it’s pretty amazing to be alive in the modern world. People are generally healthier, happier, and more educated than at most points in history. However, there’s no getting around the fact that it can be pretty stressful from time to time. So much is asked of us. So, from ourselves and from society, and there’s no clear rulebook on how we should navigate all these things. As such, it’s important that we take steps to minimize our stress levels. Let’s take a look at a few natural ways you can find yourself in a more relaxed state of mind.

Out of Your Head

Whether we’re turning over problems, or we’re just having one of those days. When everything seems to be going wrong, it can feel like nothing will make us feel better. Sometimes we’re so in our heads that all we need to do is remove ourselves from our problems slightly. Things can seem better. Taking a walk around the block, or dropping everything to listen to our feel-good music can make us realize that life isn’t so bad after all.

Mindfulness and Yoga

Mindfulness and yoga have been around for a long time. They’ve gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for one simple reason – they’re bona fide stress busters! If you’ve never tried yoga or mindfulness before, then first understand is that everyone can do it. You’re not as shrouded in mystery as you might think. Indeed, you can get underway just by following along with a YouTube video. If you don’t feel the benefits right away, don’t worry – stick with it, and you’ll feel good.

Look to Nature

Nature is our best remedy from the strains and stresses of modern life. Whether it’s taking in a long walk through the countryside, or just admiring a sunset, the simple act of appreciating nature gives us a sense of perspective that can bust us out of our stressful mood. Not that you have to go outside to get the benefits; you can have nature right in your home. You can use aromatherapy oils, which have been shown to reduce stress levels, from the comfort of your home. And even having a few plants dotted around your home can bring the benefits of nature. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, look to nature, whether inside or outside, and get back to that zen state of mind.

Run it Out

There are few ailments that a good run can’t cure. Aside from making your body feel relaxed, if you go for a long run, you’ll also be giving your brain a major dopamine rush. If you’re feeling in a funk, then strap on those running shoes and run until you can run no more (ideally on a circular loop, so you end up back at home). You’ll feel better and be healthier, nice!

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Healthy Living At Your Desk

Healthy Living At Your Desk

If you have a desk job or you’re a blogger, you may think that work-related health and safety hazards don’t apply to you. While you may not be at risk of falling from heights or sustaining injuries while using dangerous machinery, this doesn’t mean that you can be complacent. If you spend long periods of time at a desk every day, there are many things you can do to boost your health and lower the risk of illness and injury. This guide will provide some useful tips to help you embrace healthy living at your desk.

Back pain

Back pain is the most common work-related health issue among workers in the US. In most cases, discomfort is linked to poor posture. Your posture relates to the alignment of your spine when you’re sitting down or standing up. If your posture is incorrect, this can increase pressure on the surrounding muscles. When you’re sitting at your desk, take a moment to sort out your workstation, make sure your chair is in the right position and adjust the height of the desk.

Ideally, your back should be straight, your shoulders should be relaxed, and the screen should be level with your eye line. If it’s too high or too low or the desk is too far away, and you’re stretching to reach the keyboard or craning to see the screen, this can contribute to pain in the back, neck and shoulders. If you don’t already have an adjustable chair or desk and you can’t get comfortable, talk to your boss. Your chair should provide support for the length of your spine.

sitting at my desk

If you do have back pain or you feel stiff after sitting down for long periods of time, it’s worth seeing your doctor. Back pain can get worse with time, especially if there is an underlying cause. Treatments such as medication and exercises that are designed to strengthen and condition the muscles can be highly effective. Seeking advice from experts and trying physiotherapy treatment options like therapy could help to prevent further pain, as well as making you feel comfortable. When you’re at work, it’s also a good idea to take regular breaks and stretch your back out. Reach up to the sky and then down to your toes every half an hour or so. Stretching helps to reduce tension.

Eye care

dawn rambles glasses and headphones

When you’re working at a computer, do you take any steps to look after or protect your eyes? If you’re staring at a screen for hours on end, you may find that you’re prone to headaches or that your eyes feel tired. Many of us spend the majority of the working day in front of a computer. If this setup applies to your day job, it’s wise to pay attention to eye care. Rest your eyes throughout the day by taking breaks, wear glasses or contact lenses if you’re straining to see, and use eye care software. This software neutralizes the blue light of the screen. If you experience any problems with your eyesight or you notice any changes in your vision, it’s advisable to book an appointment with your optician.


standing desk

It can be hard to be active when you spend most of the day at a desk. However, a sedentary job doesn’t have to mean that you miss your daily activity targets on a regular basis. There are simple exercises you can do at your desk, and you can incorporate physical activity into your working day. Go for a walk in your lunch break, fit a spin class in before you get to the office or start blogging or hit the gym on the way home.

Take breaks throughout the day to pace around and stretch your legs, use the stairs instead of elevators or escalators, and consider walking or cycling to work. Use an activity tracker to keep count of your steps and make a concerted effort to move around more. Even if your job requires you to be seated for eight hours of the day, there are still plenty of hours left to fit in a brisk walk with the dog, a yoga class or a HIIT session at home. Try and work out a routine that enables you to balance work and leisure time and get into a habit of being more active. If you can adjust your schedule slightly, this could enable you to make more time for exercise.

Healthy eating

Do you often snack throughout the day or grab something quick and easy at your desk for lunch? If you’re pushed for time, or you find yourself grazing cakes or chocolate bars, it’s time to rethink your diet. Snacking all the time is likely to push you over your recommended calorie intake. It can also harm your teeth and cause your energy levels to peak and trough.

It’s much better to stick to three main meals than to rely on unhealthy snacks to power through the day. If you don’t have time to get out of the office to buy a healthy lunch, start prepping meals the night before. You can prepare pasta dishes, wraps, homemade soup and sandwiches in a matter of minutes. If you get hungry between meals, opt for nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers or a piece of fruit.  It’s also really important to stay hydrated while you’re at your desk. Try and avoid fuelling your body with caffeine and ensure you drink plenty of water.

Do you have a desk job or do you devote a lot of time to blogging or writing? If you’re at a computer for hours every day, it’s important to pay attention to your health. Desk jobs may seem like a safe bet, but there are health risks associated with sedentary jobs. Back pain is a very common problem, and it’s essential to ensure that you have good posture. If you’re struggling, seek advice before the pain gets worse. Protect your eyes when you’re typing or reading. Try and be as active as you can during the day and take steps to improve your diet. Prepare lunches in advance and stock up on healthy snacks.

Are You YouTube Ready?

Are You YouTube Ready?

Hosting a YouTube channel can be an intensely rewarding experience. Watching your subscriber count grow is always satisfying. And, nothing beats when those subscribers reach out in your comments section. This is a sure way to make new friends, document your life, and even make a few pennies. Whether you want to embark on daily vlog videos or post once or twice a week, you’re sure to reap the benefits in no time at all.

For the most part, you don’t need to make any special allowances to start. Some people film videos on their webcams, so expensive equipment is not a must to get you going. This is, after all, a process of trial and error. You’ll learn what your channel does and doesn’t need once you’re up and running.

But, one thing which will come to the fore fairly fast is that you do need to take some time over how you appear on camera. We’re used to putting ourselves out there on social media, but YouTube takes this to a whole other level. As such, you may want to put some thought into your appearance while filming. Let’s look at some of the things worth considering.

Small niggles

digger sitting in from on the laptop

One surprising aspect of YouTube is that you’ll need to get used to seeing yourself during the editing process. A few other times do you get to watch yourself in action, so this can be a daunting experience to start with? And, you can rest easy that any small niggles you have with your appearance will rear their ugly heads here. That can make editing difficult and could shake your confidence in this pursuit. Some things, like that slight kink in your nose, will probably stop bothering you after a while. But, issues such as wonky teeth could start to drive you crazy. If you find this is distracting you from your goal, you could always contact companies and get braces installed to tackle the issue. It’s also worth practicing kindness during the editing process, and trying not to pick yourself apart too much!

Your makeup


Putting makeup on for a video may seem strange, but again, this can work wonders for on-camera confidence. That’s not to say that you need to go all out here. In fact, heavy makeup would look a little scary in hi-def. Instead, keep things as natural as possible while covering any blemishes. Keep foundation minimal but efficient, and consider some lipstick or a small amount of eyeliner. That’s all it takes to make a difference here.

Consider your outfit

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It may also be worth taking some time over your outfit. As well as being a confidence booster, this can impact how long people watch your videos. Stripes or bright colors can be off-putting on screen, and could even make a video impossible to watch. To make sure that doesn’t happen, consider the camera compatibility of any outfit you slip on. Block colors which aren’t too bold would work best here.

The Hosts With The Most: How To Handle Dinner Parties As A New Couple

The Hosts With The Most: How To Handle Dinner Parties As A New Couple

When we’re young, many of us watch our parents dinner parties with awe. We look forward to the day when we meet the love of our lives and are able to host friends in our homes. So, when you get the man, you may feel that oh-so-adult urge to invite friends round. It’s a nice thing to do, and a fantastic way to host friends as a couple. Sure, you could go out for a meal, but you lose intimacy that way. With a dinner party, you invite your nearest and dearest into the bosom of your love. What could be more romantic?

But, if you and your man have never hosted together before, it’s important you know what to expect. After all, you may both have different ideas of what hosting means. And, while you have time to work it out, those first dinner party experiences are crucial. Which is why we’re going to look at a few things which will ensure your early hosting experiences together run smooth.

Settle on your roles

Long gone are the days where the woman automatically has to cook the food. Your mom might have done it, but things have changed. As such, you should sit down and work out your roles. One of you can cook, while the other greets guests and creates a stir with something like these delicious drink recipes, or some starters they can create out of the kitchen. Setting roles like these will ensure you both play your parts without stepping on each other’s toes. After all, if you both try and cook at the same time, there will be arguments. What’s more, you’re at risk of neglecting your guests that way. Instead, split things, and make sure you both know what to do on the night.

Present a united front

Often, dinner parties can expose aspects of a new partner that we may not have seen before. Perhaps they speak in a voice you can’t stand around their friends, or try to show off and embarrass you. In such instances, you may start to niggle at each other in front of friends. In case you hadn’t noticed, this is not a good idea. No matter what your partner does, you should always present a united front when you’re hosting. If something bothers you, talk about it when everyone’s gone. But, niggling in front of everyone is unfair, and awkward for all involved. Avoid it at all costs.

Take it in turns to invite

It’s also vital that you get into the habit early of taking it in turns to invite. While sociable couples may invite both their friends at once, most of us prefer to keep things separate. But, make sure that one person doesn’t get to ask their friends every time. This can lead to resentment, especially if the person doing the cooking isn’t the one who gets to invite. Make sure it doesn’t happen by developing a rota of sorts and conferring before extending invites.

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The Surprise Causes of Daily Fatigue

The Surprise Causes of Daily Fatigue

If you wake up still feeling tired despite getting your full quota of at least 8 hours sleep a night, and your fatigue only gets worse as the day goes on ; your limbs become heavy and tired; you find it difficult to focus on your work, and when the day is over you can’t think of doing anything more taxing than flopping down on the sofa, it can be REALLY frustrating.

If you want to stop feeling frustrated, and more importantly, get to the root cause of your fatigue, check nine out these surprise causes of daily fatigue to see if any of them could be affecting you:

A Lack of Exercise

You could be forgiven for thinking that the less exercise you do, the less tired you will be, but that really is not the case. You see, the more active you are, the better your circulation is and the less tired you will feel throughout the day. Then, when it gets to bedtime because you’ve been active, you’ll find it easier to drop off and have a good night’s sleep. If you’re always feeling fatigued and you don’t exercise, give it a try and see if you start to feel better.


Conversely, if you spend too much of your time exercising, you could end up with the dreaded feeling of daily fatigue too. You see, although 30 -90 minutes of exercise a day is great for boosting energy, if you spend a large portion of your day exercising intensely, you could deplete your body of vital minerals like magnesium, which help your body to stay energetic. So, do visit the gym, but don’t overdo it. Experiment until you find the right balance, and you’ll notice your fatigue drain away.

Excessive Drinking

Alcohol has a sedative effect on the body, so it really shouldn’t be surprising that, if you drink to excess, you’re more likely to experience daily fatigue. However, many people simply do not make that connection. So, if you drink and you want to feel less tired than usual, cut down on the alcohol. If you struggle, then there are lots of Detox Centers that will be able to help you. The sooner you get to grips with alcohol, the sooner your energy levels will return.

Eating Late

If you eat your dinner late in the evening, and it is a particularly heavy meal – like so many meals in this country are – you could end up suffering from acid reflux and when you suffer from reflux, your sleep will become disturbed, which means you’ll wake up feeling tired, rather than refreshed and that feeling will follow you all day long.


Do you drink enough water throughout the day? If not, it could be dehydration that is causing you to feel so tired. When you’re dehydrated, your levels of potassium and sodium plummet as does your blood pressure and since these three things are well-known to cause fatigue, it can be a real problem, so drink up!

Still tired after making changes? See a doctor because you could be suffering from sleep apnea, chronic fatigue syndrome or various other, fatigue-inducing illnesses.