September 9th Day In The Life

September 9th Day In The Life

Where are all the Ray Rice Supporters – 2014

September 9th Day In The Life It’s going to be a busy day with the new Apple announcement. I will see how busy we will be over the next few weeks.

The Zumba teacher who quit provided all her students with a CD to remember her by. It was really sweet of her to do that for us. 

Greg bought me a Raven’s cheerleader Betty Boop and she is super cute. There is some drama surrounding Ray Rice so I’m not sure how I feel about all this. I have some mixed feeling about the whole situation. It makes me wonder with everything I’ve seen, where all the supporters now? I’m not sure how people can be surprised by the new video. The Raven’s were going to get rid of him and this video just made it that much easier for him.Β 

Supporting Loved Ones in Domestic Violence Situations: A Guide to Help and Hope

Hello, compassionate souls! 🌟 Today, we’re tackling a tough but incredibly important topic: how to support someone you know who may be experiencing domestic violence. It’s a situation that requires sensitivity, understanding, and the right resources. Let’s explore how you can be a beacon of support and hope during such challenging times. πŸ’ͺ❀️

1. Recognize the Signs

First and foremost, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of domestic violence, which aren’t always physical. They can include emotional, psychological, and financial abuse as well. Understanding these signs can help you identify if someone is in a potentially harmful situation. For more on recognizing these signs, check out Recognizing the Signs of Domestic Violence. πŸ‘€

2. Provide a Safe Space to Talk

If you suspect someone is experiencing domestic violence, offer them a safe, private space to talk. It’s important to listen without judgment and believe what they are telling you. Your support and belief in their story can be a crucial step in their journey to safety. πŸ—£οΈ

3. Avoid Confrontation with the Abuser

Confronting the abuser can be dangerous for both you and the victim. It’s important to focus on supporting the victim and not engage directly with the abuser. Safety is the priority. 🚫

4. Encourage Professional Help

Professional help can be life-saving in domestic violence situations. Encourage the person to seek assistance from local domestic violence resources or hotlines. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a great resource for immediate help and advice. πŸ“ž

5. Help Develop a Safety Plan

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after leaving. Helping someone create a safety plan can empower them and provide essential steps for their protection. For guidance on creating a safety plan, visit Developing a Safety Plan. πŸ”

6. Respect Their Decisions

Remember, leaving an abusive relationship is a complex and difficult decision. It’s important to respect the person’s choices and timing. Your role is to support and empower them, not to force decisions upon them. 🀲

7. Stay Informed and Supportive

Continuously educate yourself about domestic violence and its impacts. By staying informed, you can be a better ally and advocate. Support, don’t judge, and be there for the long haul. This journey can be a marathon, not a sprint. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ


Supporting someone in a domestic violence situation is about providing a listening ear, a safe space, and guidance to the right resources. It’s about being there in a way that respects their autonomy and safety. If you know someone facing this challenge, your support can make a world of difference. Together, we can fight against domestic violence and build a safer, more compassionate world. πŸ’•

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September 9th Day In The Life

Where are all the Ray Rice Supporters