October 26th Day In The Life

October 26th Day In The Life

Dead Bodies, Cast Iron Sinks and Coloring Books – 2015

Greg and I headed out to the mountains. We saw a man changing his clothes in the parking lot. So, our theory is that he must have killed someone and was hiding the dead body. 

The leaves are changing color and it’s a beautiful time to to walk the trails. 

We collect leaves for Digger in the fall so we can use them in the winter when he needs to poop or pee in the garage. Digger likes the leaves so that’s what we do. 

I spent the better part of the day cleaning the house. Greg is going to try to fix the cast iron sink and make it pretty even though it looks old and used. 

I picked up some colored pencils to use on the coloring book that I picked up. I like to color and it is something calming and fun to do. 

I’m Making Dat Money – 2014

It’s been busy lately and I’ve been working as much overtime as I can get. I figured I would work now before heading on vacation. 

Greg picked up some flavored pickles because that my thing lately. We burned a candle and cleaned the house this evening. 

I decided to pain my nails and I let Digger pick the color I should use. 

Shopping for Glasses – 2013

Greg and I left the house for a little while so Digger could get some rest. I was wearing my overalls today and I looked super cute in them if you ask me. 

We did a little Walmart shopping and picked up some peppers to add to my meals this week. I found cherry chocolate peanut butter and I’m addicted. They ran out of them so I could not even purchase any. We stopped by Costco to look at their glasses and they have so many cute pairs. I should by one or two more. 

Check out the end of the video where I show you our Walmart haul.