November 4th Day In The Life

November 4th Day In The Life

Organizing Closets and Shampooing Carpet – 2016

I’ve been cleaning most of the day. Greg was working on shampooing the carpet while I spent a good amount of time trying to organize my closet. We went to the grocery store to pick up the essential items. It was a quiet day for the most part. 

Ladybug Overlook – 2015

Another day with another adventure. I lost my glasses in my car because I took them off and forgot that I left them in my car. I tried to scrunch my hair up to get some of the curls back in my hair. 

My weight is not changing but I can see a difference in my shape so I’m feeling pretty good about that. 

Greg made us lunch and we went on an adventure to explore some of the mountains in the area. We ended up at a place that had about a million ladybugs and a view that was to die for. 

#ivoted – 2014

It’s election day and Greg and I had to get out to vote. We always go together when we vote because it’s pretty important. It’s pretty sad when people don’t come out to vote for local government and laws that will have a direct impact on thier lives. 

A Normal Day – 2013

Today was a pretty calm and normal day. I had an hour to get ready for the day. Digger helped me get ready because he’s my ride or die dude

I packed all my meals and no carbs today. I’m keeping it pretty simple with the veggies with cabbage and peppers and onions.