I’m a Bad Housewife and We Sold My Jeep Wrangler

I'm a Bad Housewife and We Sold My Jeep Wrangler

I'm a Bad Housewife and We Sold My Jeep Wrangler

I’m a Bad Housewife and We Sold My Jeep Wrangler. Yeah, we sold it and I’m sad and excited at the same time. We just wanted to have the old Jeep for sale to see if there was any interest. There was and now I’m without a Jeep. So, Greg will have me drive the new truck until my new wrangler gets here.

I'm a Bad Housewife

It may be a little early for this but I decorated the front table for fall and I’m loving it. I don’t know what it is but I have been ready to do this for a few weeks now.

Fall was never one of my favorite times of the year until we moved to the country and my whole mindset changed. There is something so peaceful and calming to watch the season change. The cycles of life are really amazing and wonderful to experience.

setting out fall decor

It’s been a great year for peppers so far. Greg is filling a bucket or more weekly with Carolina reapers. It has turned out to be a fantastic year for the garden.

We have considered getting into the pepper selling business. I think we have the whole pepper thing down well enough and the peppers we have are really spicy. We don’t let any of them go to waste. Greg likes to freeze some, ground them and we manage to trade fresh ones when we are really overloaded.

picking spicy peppers

I took one last photo of Betty before she left to head to her new home. It’s not the best picture in the world but goodness I will miss her. The guy who bought her will resell her at his car lot but I’m ok with that. I know she will treat her new owner just fine.

We Sold My Jeep Wrangler

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I’m a Bad Housewife and We Sold My Jeep Wrangler