Cutting the Cable Cord and Saving Money

Cutting the Cable Cord and Saving Money

Cutting the Cable Cord and Saving Money

Cutting the Cable Cord and Saving Money. We got beautiful snowfall and I was able to capture some of the aftereffects the next morning.  The roads were not terrible but it did make for a beautiful ride this morning.

Greg is going to join a local gun and hunting club. I think it will be a good thing to get him out of the house and meet some new people.

morning after snowfall

We decided to get rid of cable. The cost of cable is so high and we honestly don’t pay attention to the television when it’s on. Getting rid of the cable is something we’ve been considering for a long time but with the new year we figured it was time to take the leap. It’s time to cut the cable cord. This change is going to save us over $140 per month.

Greg is working on hooking up Apple TV and he also went to the dentist earlier today. The easiest way to put it is to say that I am in no rush to get home.

cutting the cable cord

Once I got home Greg and I made a trip to Walmart to pick up a prescription the dentist prescribed for him. We did some more shopping and had to find some new deodorant for Greg while we were at the store.

The weekend was a salon weekend. Normally this is also a day that I would have chipotle for lunch. I decided to eat at the house instead we are working on that health kick thing. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish this year and Greg is doing his best to help me.

shopping at walmart

So, I was able to get a lot of reading time in while I was at the salon. I’m really determined to read as many Danielle Steel books this year as possible. I recently did a review on a book by Sarah Jio and that was a good one also.

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Cutting the Cable Cord and Saving Money