November 6th Day In The Life

November 6th Day In The Life

Chores and Stuff – 2015

November 6th Day In The Life. The squirrels are out hunting for nuts because they know winter is right around the corner. The bad thing is they tear the yard up on the process.

We had lunch out earlier and checked out some furniture stores. When I got home I did some cleaning and washed dishes. It’s not my favorite thing to do but it has to get done. 

Just Happy – 2014

Today is the day Greg would usually cut the grass but the is still too wet to attempt that. 

I was feeling pretty good today and tomorrow Tyler will be at the house with Greg so I want to clean the closet so he will have somewhere to play. 

Hump Day – 2013

The windows are done and the bay window looks very nice. I’m so happy with the way it all came out. 

November 6th Day In The Life