November 7th Day In The Life

November 7th Day In The Life

Starting With Avatar Nutrition – 2017

I have a vacation coming up soon. So, I have decided to join Avatar Nutrition to figure out my macros. I feel like I need some structure without being totally restrictive. I’m really excited to give this a real try. It’s only $10 a month and your macros can change once a week if needed. 

Chicken Poop Not Just for Chickens – 2015

Today was the last day of staycation. I had my hair pulled up and was ready to spend all day cleaning. I took a little time to color this afternook.

While I was cleaning I came across my competition suit from my last figure competition. It’s so pretty and sparkles plus it’s a cute blue. I made the stupid mistake of trying to put the suit on but it was not pretty on me. lol

I also went through my chapstick collection and I have one called chicken poop. Have you ever heard of that one?

Who Turned The Lights Out – 2013

Digger did not want me to leave him this morning. I did some fasted cardio once he got off my lap. I’m not a fan of all the darkness. Time change is so depressing.