September 23rd Day In The Life

September 23rd Day In The Life

I Caught a Big One and Wine Festival – 2016

Today is the last day of my staycation and we went fishing. We had a fun day but not a productive fishing day. Don’t they say that the something about the thrill of the chase or some mess like that? 

Saturday was the wine festival and it was a blast! The VIP tickets were cool because we got big glasses so we looked super important. Greg was beat and we were both ready for a nap. It was a great way to try some new wines. We did realize that we are more of a sweet wine kinda family. 

Code Amber – 2014

We went to Bass Pro Shops this afternoon and there was a little girl that was standing all alone. She got lost from her father and siblings. She was super cute and I stayed with her until her dad was found. It kinda hit me hard though because the little girls name was Anna. So, If you know anything about me you will know that is my daughter’s name and she ran away so this hit me pretty hard. It was a legit Amber Alert but luckily we were in the right place at the right time.