UConnect Update, Fitness, and My Current Reading

UConnect Update, Fitness, and My Current Reading

UConnect Update, Fitness, and My Current Reading. I woke up early this morning to head out for fasted cardio. It’s so important that I get my day started off right because it seems to make everything else fall into place. So, my staycation is officially over and now it’s time to get back to reality.


So, when I turned on my Apple Carplay everything changed so now when I turn on the Jeep my screen looks completely different. With the apple updated to the phone, I guess everything changed and I’m digging it.

Now, as soon as the phone is connected it shows a map of where you are, your daily calendar and your music that is playing. I think it’s pretty awesome.

UConnect Update

Greg made breakfast so we went with something simple and it works with my keto plan. Scrambles eggs with a slice of cheese and a slice of bacon for breakfast. I was going to skip on the bacon but Greg was making it and the smell enticed me.

healthy eating

Greg and I took the Jeep Wrangler out with the top off one more time before the year ends. We have some nasty cold coming our way and I doubt the weather will be nice enough to ride topless this year again.

My Current Reading

I’m currently reading a book by Sarah Jio called Always and I like the story so far. It switches between the present time and the past but the flow is easy. Of course, I will do a book review video once I’m finished with the book. Stay tuned for that one. I do have a few other book reviews coming up soon also.

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UConnect Update, Fitness, and My Current Reading